About US
As a married couple with two young children, we decided to invest in this property by conserving and upgrading the existing facilities, thus continuing our grandparentsu2019 legacy, also giving our contribution towards preserving the traditions of our island for future generations.
We opted to combine the past with the present, the antique with the modern, all the while keeping as much of Nanna Bennau2019s and Nannu Toniu2019s memory alive as possible. The result is a property which provides its guests with an optimum level of comfort and luxury, within a welcoming ambience, combined with privacy and a host of other amenities – a home away from home.
We have embarked on this venture to provide a peaceful and serene environment in the midst of all the development that our little island is going through and help preserve the nature that has been present in the garden for many years. It is our absolute pleasure to host you, and to share with you our passion of an authentic Gozo.
Nadia and Noel

history of the property
The land we developed was previously owned by our beloved Nanna Benna and Nannu Toni. Apart from being their marital home, it was also a place for celebration, be it during the weddings they hosted in the famous u2018Salau2019 or a wine filled night of singing Maltese songs. Adjacent to this hall one finds what used to be a small liquor shop where the local workmen would gather after a hard dayu2019s work to chat over a pint or two, play some cards or a game of billiard or u2018bou010bu010biu2019. This is now in the process of being converted into a state of the art Team Building and Small Conference Facility. They also filled the garden with gorgeous flowers and trees and also planted crops which they would use to cook with #organic.
The structure of the original property was preserved, with only some minor alterations. The same concept was adopted within the villa where one can still appreciate the original architectural and decorative features, amongst which the stone arch sculpted in accordance with local artisan trade. Nannuu2019s pool table was restored to its former glory and now holds a prominent place in our entertainment area, but most importantly the trees and greenery in the garden were kept in tact with only a little bit of TLC.